
System Strengths: Our technologies ensure grid stability and grid forming

The Bordesholm stand-alone grid ensures power supply even in the event of a grid failure

Are you an installer? Share with us your SMA PV projects!

If your reference is selected by SMA UK, it will be published on our website and shared through our social medias. 

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Wells, 2022, 500 kWp


Aberdeen (Scotland), 797 kWp

Scottish Water

Newbridge (Ireland), 1,2 MW

Lidl Distribution Center

Birmingham (UK), 525 kW

Iron Mountain Document Storage Centre

Livingston (Scotland), 255 kW

Iron Mountain Data Center

Shropshire (UK), 100 kW

Dixon Poultry Farm

Cork (ireland), 176 kWp

Mahon Point Shopping Centre

Large Scale

Devon (UK), 7,3 MWp

Creacombe Solar Farm

Flintshire (UK)

Flintshire Solar Farm


Suffolk (UK)

Wickham Market